Onzima Dankan
2 min read
10 Oct

On 10th of October 2024, stakeholders from across Koboko Municipality and Koboko District gathered for the project inception meeting of the SSURA - NRC ICLA project, aptly titled, "Contribute to a Safe and Protective Environment for Displacement-Affected Populations in Uganda and Achieve Durable Solutions." This seven-month project aims to foster collaboration among strategic partners, strengthen legal frameworks, and build the capacity of government agencies, humanitarian actors, and community leaders to protect the rights of refugees and host communities.

The inception meeting was attended by high-profile stakeholders, including the Executive Director of SSURA and the staff, Mayor of Koboko Municipal represented by the Secretary for Social Services, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of Koboko District, officials from the National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA), Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB), and the Police(Child and Family Protection Unit Uganda Police), Community Development Officers (CDOs), Representative of Community based Organizations(CBOs), Religious leaders and the media.

Funded by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) the initiative will impact 3,050 individuals—2,135 refugees and 915 host community members, maintaining a 70-30% split. The project focuses on the Information, Counselling, and Legal Assistance (ICLA) thematic areas, which address critical issues such as obtaining legal identity documentation, ensuring housing, land, and property (HLP) rights, and supporting legal stay and employment access for displaced populations.

The program also seeks to facilitate access to employment through legal support in obtaining work permits, business registrations, and licenses. A URA in charge of Koboko (Mr. Edigu Emmanuel Esiru) noted, “We will work closely with the project team to streamline tax registration processes and enable more refugees to start businesses, thereby contributing to the local economy.”

These efforts are critical to overcoming barriers to the enjoyment of rights for refugees and asylum seekers in Uganda - Koboko. NIRA’s representative (Mr. Mukama Gerald - ICT Officer NIRA Koboko) remarked, “We are committed to supporting the identification and civil registration of all residents including refugees in Koboko, ensuring that everyone has access to the necessary documentation to claim their rights.”

The NRC ICLA Officer  Ms Ayikoru Consulate Mali emphasized the importance of inclusive and sustainable approaches. “By removing legal barriers and empowering both refugees and host communities, we aim to create durable solutions that foster stability and growth for all.”

The representative of the CAO of Koboko District  (Mr. Malish Wawa - HR Koboko District) echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the project’s potential to improve collaboration between local government and humanitarian actors. “Strengthening the systems that serve both refugees and host communities is critical for the district’s development. This project sets a strong example of how coordinated efforts can yield long-term solutions.”

The Mayor’s representative ( Mr. Mambo Simon - Secretary for social service)  concluded the meeting by emphasizing the importance of such an initiative, saying, “This project brings much-needed support to some of the most vulnerable populations in our district. By ensuring access to legal identity and housing rights, we are laying the foundation for sustainable livelihoods and social cohesion.” He urged all the stake holders to give their full support towards the project and pledged the support of Koboko Municipal.

By targeting barriers that prevent refugees and asylum seekers from accessing their rights, SSURA aims to create a safer and more inclusive environment for displaced persons. During the project inception meeting, several key stakeholders were in attendance, reflecting the collaborative spirit of this initiative.

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